Driver For Dell External Hard Drive

driver for dell external hard drive

Please read this guide from start to finish before doing anything

1 Does your computer support booting from USB.

Usually, if it s an option in your BIOS boot sequence menu, the answer to this is yes. If it s not there then the answer is probably no. However, proceed and see what happens.

2 Confirming the Bootability of your USB-Drive

Shut down your computer

Connect your USB drive directly to one of your USB ports on your computer, without using a Hub

Disconnect any other hard disk drives internally from it

Turn on your computer. Confirm that Bios is set to start from CD

Insert your original Windows XP CD into the drive

Start the installation, and proceed to the section where you are allowed to pick a hard drive

If it goes beyond the partition selection, your drive is already fine for booting Windows XP. If not seems to be the cases with many of the Freecom USB HDDs for example, you will get an error like Windows is unable to find your drive, partition, data etc bla. This is usually not a big problem. All you need to do is properly format the drive with the NTFS file system. After this, the drives are recognized as valid installation devices by the Windows XP installer. There has been no success reported in using the FAT32 file system for such purposes.

3 Dumping the original Windows Setup CD into an ISO File

Pretty easy one. Simply open WinISO or your ISO program of choice, and select Actions - Make ISO from CDROM, and save your CD image to a convenient place on your hard disk drive.

4 Extracting the files we need to work on

After the Windows ISO image is done, close and reopen WinISO. or the program of your choice Then, open the ISO file you just created using File - Open.

Now, click the I386 folder, and select the following files hold down Ctrl key to multi-select






Select Actions - Extract and put the resulting files into a folder on your C: drive. I usually put the files into a new folder called primary ie C: primary

5 Unpacking IN_ files

Use the Cab SDK program from and install the tools directly on your C: drive..I install the tools into C: cabsdk and would recommend you to do the same..This program is meant to be ran from a cmd click start-- run-- cmd and press enter. In the command window, if you installed cabsdk to the folder mentioned above C: cabsdk type the following: cd C: cabsdk bin then press enter. and now your command prompt should look like this

C: cabsdk BIN

The following assumes you saved the files you extraced from the iso file to C: primary. .

Next you will want to unpack the. IN_ files by typing in the cmd window.. cabarc x C: primary USB.IN_ then press enter. Repeat this process until you have done it for USB.IN_ USBPORT.IN_ and USBSTOR.IN_ you will then have the following inf files in the BIN directory of the cabsdk folder.




Close the Command window.

5-A Create a new folder on your C: drive:

Name it edited then move the following files from the BIN folder in the cabsdk directory to the folder named edited on your C: drive:

5-B Copy the following files:

Copy the following files from C: primary to C: edited

6 Editing the files

This is the main job. i ll also try to explain a bit whats happening. Use a simple Texteditor Notepad is the one you want to use. The find uitlity Ctrl F Will be your best friend through this process. Also take your time with editing the files. check everything as you go. There is no harm in being sure you have completed each step correctly.


This file is loaded on the initial install step by the Windows XP CD installer. In this file, we will change the way Windows treats USB devices during system setup -- the default is to only treat them as input devices during installation -- we will change this to include mass storage driver support which needs to be loaded into the installer much earlier in order to work.

First, move the following bolded entries from InputDevicesSupport.Load to the BootBusExtenders.Load section, exactly as shown here.. Note: Delete the bolded lines from InputDevicesSupport.Load after you have moved them to BootBusExtenders.Load


pci pci.sys

acpi acpi.sys

isapnp isapnp.sys

acpiec acpiec.sys

ohci1394 ohci1394.sys

usbehci usbehci.sys

usbohci usbohci.sys

usbuhci usbuhci.sys

usbhub usbhub.sys

usbstor usbstor.sys


usbccgp usbccgp.sys

hidusb hidusb.sys

serial serial.sys

serenum serenum.sys

Now move the bolded entries from InputDevicesSupport to BootBusExtenders Note: Delete the bolded lines from InputDevicesSupport

after you have moved them to BootBusExtenders


pci PCI Bus Driver, files.pci,pci

acpi ACPI Plug Play Bus Driver, files.acpi,acpi

isapnp ISA Plug Play Bus Driver, files.isapnp,isapnp

acpiec ACPI Embedded Controller Driver, files.none,acpiec

ohci1394 IEEE 1394 Bus OHCI Compliant Port Driver, files.ohci1394,ohci1394

usbehci Enhanced Host Controller, files.usbehci,usbehci

usbohci Open Host Controller, files.usbohci,usbohci

usbuhci Universal Host Controller, files.usbuhci,usbuhci

usbhub Generic USB Hub Driver, files.usbhub,usbhub

usbstor USB Storage Class Driver, files.usbstor,usbstor


hidusb Human Interface Parser, files.hidusb,hidusb

serial Serial Port Driver, files.none,serial

serenum Serial Port Enumerator, files.none,serenum

usbccgp USB Generic Parent Driver, files.usbccgp,usbccgp

Next, we also have to write several keys into the registry. Convieniently, the txtsetup.sif allows you to specify files that are parsed and instered into the registry at install time. Insert the following in the HiveInfs.Fresh section: Make sure the entries are lined up


AddReg hivedef.inf,AddReg

AddReg hivesys.inf,AddReg

AddReg hivesft.inf,AddReg

AddReg hivecls.inf,AddReg

AddReg hiveusd.inf,AddReg

AddReg dmreg.inf,DM.AddReg

AddReg usbboot.inf,usbservices

and also in SourceDisksFiles


usbboot.inf 1,,,,,,_x,3,,3

bootvid.dll 1,,,,,,3_,2,0,0,,1,2

kdcom.dll 1,,,,,,3_,2,0,0,,1,2

Finally, save and close TXTSETUP.SIF. We are done with it.


Now, open DOSNET.INF, and change the second Files section yes there are 2 sections called Files to look like this:






Save and close DOSNET.INF

6-C usb.inf

Change the bolded lines in the StandardHub.AddService and CommonClassParent.AddService sections to resemble the ones below:


DisplayName StandardHub.SvcDesc




ServiceBinary 12 usbhub.sys

LoadOrderGroup Boot Bus Extender


DisplayName GenericParent.SvcDesc

ServiceBinary 12 usbccgp.sys

Save and close usb.inf

6-D usbport.inf

Change the bolded lines in the EHCI.AddService, OHCI.AddService, UHCI.AddService and ROOTHUB.AddService sections:


DisplayName EHCIMP.SvcDesc

ServiceBinary 12 usbehci.sys


DisplayName OHCIMP.SvcDesc

ServiceBinary 12 usbohci.sys


DisplayName UHCIMP.SvcDesc

ServiceBinary 12 usbuhci.sys


DisplayName ROOTHUB.SvcDesc

Save and close usbport.inf

6-E usbstor.inf

Change / Add the bolded lines in the USBSTOR.AddService section


DisplayName USBSTOR.SvcDesc

ServiceType 1

StartType 0

Tag 3

ErrorControl 1

ServiceBinary 12 USBSTOR.SYS

Save and close usbstor.inf

6-F new file: USBBOOT.INF

Make a copy of one of the. inf files from your edited folder Please note..I said a copy on your desktopRename it USBBOOT then open it up with notepad and delete all of the text in the file. Then copy and paste the text below into it. Save the file, and move it to the folder where your edited files are. Also note: the spaces in the text below are fine



HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, DisplayName, 0x000000 00, USB Mass Storage Driver

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, ErrorControl, 0x00010 001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, Group, 0x00000000, System Reserved

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, ImagePath, 0x00020000, system32 DRIVERS USBSTOR.SYS

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, Start, 0x00010001,0

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, Type, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbehci, DisplayName, 0x00000000, USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller Miniport Driver

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbehci, ErrorControl, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbehci, Group, 0x00000000, System Reserved

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbehci, ImagePath, 0x00020000, system32 DRIVERS usbehci.sys

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbehci, Start, 0x00010001,0

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbehci, Type, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbhub, DisplayName, 0x00000000, USB2 Enabled Hub

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbhub, ErrorControl, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbhub, Group, 0x00000000, System Reserved

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbhub, ImagePath, 0x00020000, system32 DRIVERS usbhub.sys

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbhub, Start, 0x00010001,0

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbhub, Type, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbuhci, DisplayName, 0x00000000, Microsoft USB Universal Host Controller Miniport Driver

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbuhci, ErrorControl, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbuhci, Group, 0x00000000, System Reserved

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbuhci, ImagePath, 0x00020000, system32 DRIVERS usbuhci.sys

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbuhci, Start, 0x00010001,0

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbuhci, Type, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbohci, DisplayName, 0x00000000, Microsoft USB Open Host Controller Miniport Driver

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbohci, ErrorControl, 0x00010001,1

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbohci, Group, 0x00000000, System Reserved

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbohci, ImagePath, 0x00020000, system32 DRIVERS usbohci.sys

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbohci, Start, 0x00010001,0

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services usbohci, Type, 0x00010001,1

7 make a copy of the edited files in another folder on your C: drive. I name this folder edited backup

The reason we are doing this is: If you accidentally enter the commands wrong while repacking the files to their. IN_ format it can ruin all

the work you have done up to this point. So with that said.. make another folder on your C: drive and name it edited backup and copy the files from the edited folder into edited backup. That way if something does go wrong you can always copy the good edited file from the backup folder and not have to do all the work again.

8 Repack the inf files into their original IN_ format

Now if you took my suggestions throughout this guide, the cabsdk tools should have been installed to C: cabsdk

The original. IN_ files, TXTSETUP.SIF and DOSNET.INF should be in C: primary

The unpacked and edited inf files usb.inf, usbstor.inf and usbport.inf TXTSETUP.SIF, DOSNET.INF and USBBOOT.INF should be in C: edited, and you should have a backup copy of the edited files in C: edited backup

Open the cmd prompt window again start--- run--- type cmd and press

enter in the cmd prompt window type cd C: cabsdk BIN and press enter.

To repack the files we need to execute the following cabarc commands

cabarc n USB.IN_ C: edited usb.inf

cabarc n USBPORT.IN_ C: edited usbport.inf

cabarc n USBSTOR.IN_ C: edited usbstor.inf

Close the cmd window Note: There is a space between. IN_ and C: in the commands. The three IN_ files should now exist again in the BIN folder of the cabsdk directory

Congratulations. All our modifications are done.

9 Create one last folder:

On your C: drive create one last folder and name it final edit then

copy the following files to it:

USB.IN_ from the BIN folder of cabsdk

USBSTOR.IN_ from the BIN folder of cabsdk

USBPORT.IN_ from the BIN folder of cabsdk

USBBOOT.INF from the edited folder

DOSNET.INF from the edited folder

TSTSETUP.SIF From the edited folder

10 Inject the changed files into the ISO

Open your Windows CD image The iso file you created with WinISO or your program of choice. Navigate to the I386 folder, and delete the following files from the ISO,






saving the changes to the ISO afterwards.

Just to be sure all is updated in the ISO, close and repoen the ISO in WinISO or your program of choice. Now, again go to the I386 folder and select Add Files. Now add your changed files from C: final edit, Make sure you are adding the files to the I386 directory in the iso.


Save the ISO then open it again and check to make sure the new files are in the correct directoryif so.. You are done with this portion of the procedure.

11 Burn the ISO back to CD:

For burning iso s I use Alex Feinman s iso recorder which you can get here After you install ISO Recorder, no program group is created and there is no application to run. ISO Recorder is a Shell extension, which means it provides additional options in a file right-click menu. To create a CD with ISO Recorder right-click on a file with. iso extension and select open with then click ISO Recorder Once the burning has completed

you now have your windows cd that should be capable of installing to an external USB drive

12 Place the new windows cd in your cd drive

13 Preparing to install to the USB drive:

Shut down your computer. Disconnect ANY internal and external hard drives Except the external one you want to install windows on, so Windows cannot find them during installation and mess up their Master Boot Records. Also, now connect your USB Hard drive directly to the computer, without any Hubs in between.

Windows should install just fine, with the exceptions noted below.

14 Issues you will encounter during installation:

During driver installation, the USB drivers will prompt you, as they are not certified - This is normal. Our changes invalidated the checksum, and therefore the driver is no longer signed. Just press yes a couple of times. Upon completion of the install, the system will complain once on the first bootup that the pagefile does not exist. You can ignore this for now, as Windows will work fine without it. This issue is being looked into, but its not critical for now.

15 what to do after the install has finished:

Once everything is up and running, shut down and reconnect all your drives.

Special thanks goes out to kimsland for helping me with getting this guide ready to be posted to the forums.

16 a few more notes:

This install will only work on the computer it was first installed on. You can t take it to a friends house or to school/work and boot a different computer with it without installing it from said computer.

Failure to disconnect any other hard drives may cause installation problems as well as corruption of the Master Boot Record MBR of the other hard drives.


Thanks for a great Guide. But when Windows has copied the files to the external disk before the real install of Windows and reboots for the first time, its stop before any Windows Logo appear, I have change the Boot Order but no results. Just Disk Boot Error and the lamp on the harddrive goes out. Any idea.

Two screenshots, dont forget to change the xx to tt :



yeah so one day i decided to reformate my hd on my laptop, had to remove it from the laptop to do it. file formate is ntfs and then i tried installing xp, inserting disk, booting from disk, so on so forth. it didn t detect my hd, once i had inserted the hd back into the laptop.

so i got the idea maybe i could install xp onto a usb flashdrive, or external hd. searched google, come across, one set of directions of acomplishing the process, but it was confuzing, then i found ur guid, here on techspot. so i fallowed it to the letter, and then i ran right into the same problem as andros forever, did. usbboot.inf was corupted on line 3so i looked into the file, honestly i don t really know what to look for, or what i did wrong. so if u could help me out that would be great..

i m curently useing a friends laptop, so i hope to hear from u soon.

Sorry to bump the topic. I Burned the ISO to a DVD because I didn t have any CDs. Now when I go to boot settings and try to boot from CD it just continues to load into my other operating system and not the disk. Does it make a difference if it s on a CD or a DVD.

This is a Guide thread

No it doesn t matter if it s CD or DVD. It s just your Bios needs to be setup to boot from CD as first option

By the way, this being a Guide, and located in the Guides and Tutorials forum, means you will get little support here. ie This thread is a guide only. Best to create a New Thread on the actual support forums, for any technical support

Didnt work for me, I maybe did something wrong. Wont try again am giving up on the great IDEA.

I get value in. sif corrupted or missing, Value 1 on line section inputdevicessupport with key hidusb.

By the way my original xp disk has SP3.

thanks a alot for post nobardin but i m having exactly the same problem as killbobany clues at all.

Line 3 error

thanks a alot for post nobardin but i m having exactly the same problem as killbobany clues at all.

Click to expand

Amend the code in the USBBOOT.inf to the following:

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, DisplayName, 0x00000000, USB Mass Storage Driver

HKLM, SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR, ErrorControl, 0x00010001,1

Basically take the spaces out and it should work ok. I had the same problem and it worked for me.

I m going round in circles.

I want to put my Xp pro sp2 2002 cd which I just bought onto my EeePC.

I have formatted the EeePC in dos with windows 98 boot files on the USB drive so no problem there. It came installed with a poor version of Linux that can t do much.

Will this tutorial let me install the from a USB drive onto my laptop.

Windows Updates

Does Windows Updates run smoothly.

The problem with the above tutorial is the file asms files become unavailable which is the actual boot-codes saying it is a genuine CD. So the above may work for some, it just depends on the version of XP CD as the newer discs have more security. Like mine.

I ve got XP PRO 2002 SP2 installed, registered and updated on my EeePC 8GB/1GB/900A. Bye-Bye Linux, you will not be missed.

It was a nightmare and the above tutorial never worked so I went down another route.


2. PeToUSB - used to format the memory stick you want to use.

3.bootsect.exe - This is all old windows 98 boot files from floppy and also allows a NTDLR boot. This is what allows the memory stick to become a boot device the same as a floppy disk from the olden days. Without this, or not done right, then you will never get the stick to boot.

I used a 1.1 USB 1Gb packard-bell MP3 player as my flash drive.

You need to know a bit of DOS commands and how to use the command line in windows to change directorys etc, FDISK, plus a few others, but it all went smoothly.

The problem is the windows CD is a sod to copy sucessfully but USB_PREP8 will do this file for file as some other programs mess it up.

I guess I should write a tutorial becase the way I used will work on any PC that has no CD/DVD ROM or USB optical drive.

I also tried this out on my Seagate external USB 2 150GB IDE Hard-Drive and all worked perfectly.

I never even partioned the drive as NTLDR will see any size of disc, DOS is limited to FAT32 2GB clip.


I got to start editting TXTSETUP.SIF in Section 6A and then got stuck on this bit.

kdcom.dll 1,,,,,,3_,2,0,0,,1,2

Can t actually find this in the file when openede in Notepad.

Thanks in advance.


I have tried what you are trying and it doesn t work, too much variables to go wrong

If you want use this one which we at uni all use and it s simple to do without all this changing and editing of files which is not needed.

I ve even included the little programs that you need so you don t have a head-ache trying to find them.

Open the. pdf file and follow it. good luck

Hey stealthmode and others

in a proces to install windows xp sp3 from a usb stick i tried many, many things but i m always stuck on the BSOD 0x0000007B.

What diifers with this method, i m not an expert is the bootsect.exe which was the reason i tried this method. No luck.

i installed grub4dos with the iso of winxp works but also stuck at the BSOD 7B.

i have 4 old pc s from a school which are formatted. Dell optiplex GX 260. An SFF machine with no cd. I have an external usb DVD writer but in the bios the CD player still remains status not connected. Installation with CD is no option. I managed to install a laptop with usb so my hopes are on this method.

In one time I saw the splash screen but got the BSOD at that time. In all other cases i get the error before the splash screen. Does anyone know the sequence from NFTS system till splash screen, because i think the BSOD problem is in this area.

thx for help in advance

Hi there, you are doing something different to what I thought so my mistake for assuming differnetly but i ll try to help as i m sure will others.

Are you trying to install the xp sp3 from a usb device onto an already installed ntfs partion with windows xp on already and working.

The error code as you may know is telling you you have an inaccessible boot device which will not then get to the splash screen.

Again read this, still confused, your dell, has it no OS and you re trying to install xp with service pack 3. Also why the grub as this is linux.

Need more info before I start to look at the problem.

stealthmode said:

No, the HDD is formatted by win98 disk and recognised by BIOS.

The error code as you may know is telling you you have an inaccessible boot device

yes i know, but the code 0xC00000034 according to the KB is likely to be a driver problem, however USB works.From FAT and NTFS system loading the system is checked, monitor, keybord, HDD and the the light of usb stick is flashing twice and the BSOD is on screen.

Thx for response

your going to hate me again. I need to know exactly what you are trying to do here as it s still not clear.

You have a dell with a clear HDD that has been formatted with fat32. You now want to install windows xp with service pack 3 onto this formatted hard-drive by using a USB device.

Your bios sees the HDD you have an option to tell the bios to boot from other device, i e USB device.

lastly, how did you format the HDD. did you use the pen-drive USB.

Have you also now only got a C: drive showing and no other partion. This would be confirmed by using the fdisk command to let you see all drives and you also deleted non-dos partions.

I ask this as you mentioned using a linux grub which will still be in a partion on the hard-drive unless you also deleted this.

If this is the case you need to go back to the beginning and start again. Also this entire method here is for the EeePC laptop but Ican install by USB on any PC as long as the comp can boot to a USB device.

Please make very clear what you have and are wanting then I will be able to talk you through it. At present I think you still have not got a clear HDD and hence errors.

this is correct

how did you format the HDD. did you use the pen-drive USB

i used a win98 bootfloppy on the dell a drive and used the command format

Have you also now only got a C: drive showing and no other partion. This would be confirmed by using the fdisk command to let you see all drives and you also deleted

non-dos partions.

Fdisk shows only 1 active partition on C:

I used grub4dos to make the usb stick bootable. Another usb stick made bootable by pe2usb. Both give the BSOD 7B

At present I think you still have not got a clear HDD and hence errors.

when i used the command format c:/s and i boot the pc without USB or Floppy the computer end up with dosscreen C: So in my knowlegde the HDD is seen and functions.

Last but not least: i m not going to hate you, because i understand why it is important for you to know what i did or did not do.

Okay, now trust me on this next bit, look at my. pdf tutorial and do exactly as it shows, stage for stage. Also your usb drive, put it into a working comp and use the hp format utility to format it. Also what size is your usb stick. a max of just under 2 gigs will be nice but not a problem. Disregard all errors to date and now do the install exactly as i set out stage for stage. Don t bother with the dos command to make the directory as you know this part already. come back here when you get to the stage only of your usb stick having been sucessfully formatted with the HP formatting utility. If i never put the hp format utility on the server you can google it. You are ready to install, but it will take some patience and if it goes wrong, this is not a problem as you just do it again, some people have taken a few attempts.

Also I need to know you have a genuine and real hologram XP cd in front of you.

You also have to tell your bios to disarm the floppy, best if you can actaully pull the floppy ide cable from the motherboard to make the bios forget it and not give you grief. I am going to get you to the stage of your usb stick holding the entire win xp Cd. I also will take you through dell and bios problem if we have to but I don t think this will happen.

1. format the usb pen drive with hp format utility.

2. disconnect and disable the floppy from the dell system you are going to install the new os onto.

3. have genuine only xp cd in fromt of you

download the three files and place them only on your c: drive of the other computer which has a cd rom and is going to be used to copy the files from the CD to your peb-drive. extract them as I have zipped them You will have three folders.

Come back here when this is done.

it gets tricky booting to the usb but we will come to this when your ready as the bios will try to boot to the c: without help from you but i ll take you through it.

I ve also used another comp with networking to install os s but this is not needed as you will be fine with the USB pendrive and i ve also installed an os over three days with only floppy 1.44 discs but lets not go down this road. I don t suppose you are in London by any chance.

Not Londen Netherlands

Also what size is your usb stick. a max of just under 2 gigs will be nice but not a problem

both usb sticks are 4 GB.

Also I need to know you have a genuine and real hologram XP cd in front of you

i made an image CD was used as a frisbee by my children.

wil follow the steps, gonna let you know.

Discussion in Guides and Tutorials started by nobardin, Nov 20, 2008.

Page 2 of 4






You have a dell with a clear HDD that has been formatted with fat32. You now want to install windows xp with service pack 3 onto this formatted hard-drive by using a USB device.

this is correct

how did you format the HDD. did you use the pen-drive USB

i used a win98 bootfloppy on the dell a drive and used the command format

Have you also now only got a C: drive showing and no other partion. This would be confirmed by using the fdisk command to let you see all drives and you also deleted

Fdisk shows only 1 active partition on C:

I ask this as you mentioned using a linux grub which will still be in a partion on the hard-drive unless you also deleted this.

I used grub4dos to make the usb stick bootable. Another usb stick made bootable by pe2usb. Both give the BSOD 7B

At present I think you still have not got a clear HDD and hence errors.

when i used the command format c:/s and i boot the pc without USB or Floppy the computer end up with dosscreen C: So in my knowlegde the HDD is seen and functions.

Also what size is your usb stick. a max of just under 2 gigs will be nice but not a problem

both usb sticks are 4 GB.

Also I need to know you have a genuine and real hologram XP cd in front of you

i made an image CD was used as a frisbee by my children.

Okay, I wish you luck, and any difference from the tutorial and stop and let me know, it has to be word and picture identical all the way

you say i have to format the disk using hp but your pdf says format with pe2usb.

Took a while for this reply, have to sleep at times, an annoying habit I know.

You will be fine with what I said in the tutorial, my mind may have wandered on this, so many types of drives and USB HDD s I use to do this.

So allow the PeToUSB to format your drive, this is 100 okay and don t bother with the HP format utility.

It is annoying because sometimes we wish the things to be solved earlier or yesterday. :haha:

Anyway i ve formatted the usb stick, have my original image of the disk and the three files and the floppy drive disconnected.

Okay, follow the instructions, not hard, just takes a while, i m out for the day so good luck. just remember to boot to the USB drive when you have to re-boot after the install starts. The usb drive is just like the cd so when you are installing remember to format the drive when windows asks on the c: drive as ntfs and only use quick format then the file copying will begin. only when the desktop appears do you then allow the boot from the hard-drive, until then always boot to the usb drive. keep the usb stick in all the way. all the best. I think it needs to boot to it about three times.

I tried it, but the computer gives me again the BSOD 7B. The usb stick is booting, i even tried the ultimate boot CD on usb which also boot from the USB stick and works.

Why does the installation of xp doesnot work and doe i receive this BSOD all the time.

just got home, at what point does the BSOD come on you. Do you get anywhere with the USB on the start of installation.

Also did you get the XP CD onto the pen drive/USB.

You may also need to copy a driver onto floppy to get it to install along with the installation. You have another comp there that you used to copy the files to the usb drive, so you need to take the HDD out of the dell and connect it to your working pc as a slave, then look at the HDD as a slave and see what it shows. It might be the Dell needs needs a driver. Also you can re-set the BIOS of the Dell by removing the battery for a bit then putting it back in. This will clear the CMOS held in the Dells ROM chip. Then on re-boot enter the Dell configuration and re-configure the motherboard. get back when all this checks out. If the PC s in front of me all this I do in minutes as process of elimination but don t give up.

the BSOD arrives after setup loads fat and NFTS system them the splashscreen black comes up which should display the logo of winxp but we don t reach that point. before that we get the BSOD. I notice that the system is being checked, keyboard lights flicker HDD lights flicker and the at one time usb light flickers and after a short whil the BSOD comes up.

i did remove the battery already. Did not work. I wil try the suggestion with the other computer tomorrow.

I don t give up the pc s should be ones for my kids.

thx have a good sleep and i will let you know tomorrow

You are using an original XP hologram CD. Not an image.

i already mentioned that i made an image of my original hologrammed windows CD. The CD itself doesn t work anymore. i previous succesfully installed a laptop with this image

Do you think that causes the BSOD.

Only problems people have, myself included as I said in the tutorial is this, and yes, I also have installed loads of CD Images to HDD s but the way this is done with the little dos programs, it throws error messages and never seems to work. You can install the OS by actually using the HDD in your working comp and treat it like a new hard-drive, disconnect the one in just now, then take it out after this and put it back in the dell, it will scream for drivers but normally works and you can hook to the net and update the drivers. This is another way we install OS s but again not always sucessful.

I had een old computer, which works fine, which should do the benchmark. However it had een old BIOS and didnot recognised the usb stick. I downloaded the update usb from the manufactor and performed the update. During this proces the BIOS was cleared and the rewrite begon. then Murphy came along and the update hangs. Now this computer isn t responding to anything.

i m trying to install via CD in your alternative method

I remember years ago when I started out back in the days of only dos and no GUI the nightmares I used to have as my teachers back then were like myself and it was all new territory to us so the problems I encountered were immese. Nowadays I find so many ways round systems I don t think about it, but I never tried to do it over the net in a forum.

You can clear the CMOS by either switching the CMOS jumper or sometimes it s just a little two points of solder you short out which will have the words Clear CMOS or just CMOS where present day they are an actual jumper switch.

I m glad you are not giving up as over the years I learnt there is more ways to skin a cat than the prefered way.

Another thing I m going to throw into the equation is DELL are notorius for building systems that have hidden parts with data in them, or other times I ve removed pci slot cards and the system has crashed or refused to boot.

As to the microsoft CD codes I ll make them available one day. The problem with the original is it writes a file on installation that then gets checked against the code and this is not entered when a copy or image is taken simply because the person doesn t know they have to name the CD copy with the exact code which then tells the installation file the CD is original

The alternative method worked. As soon the installation via CD with the dell HDD installed in the other computer i shut down and put the HDD back in the dell pc. I m going to download the actual drivers for the GX260 put them on usb and install them. Will let you know.

i will try to rewrite the BIOS with an EPROM programmer. This will take a while because i have to get my programmer back.

The the usb installation bothers me and is an item i would like to solve.

I have 3 pc s to go

result of finished pc tomorrow evening

Page 3 of 4

Now your thinking outside the box, good luck

Okay, HDD 1 is finished. I downloaded the drivers and replaced the windows ones. Computer runs like a charrme and everything seems to work.

After i was finished i plugged the second HDD in and formatted this one and now i m tryig a full copy and plug it in the second pc.

Als i ve received an dell xp.iso so i can try to use this file. I m interested if i receive the bsod as well with this version.

for now.

worth a try, i ve spent years trying different images and commonly they go wrong. never have a problem with the original CD. Quite simply MS don t want you loading images on different PC s, hence one disc per Computer. Your problem is different to the EeePC and a more easy install by loading the HDD and putting it back into the original it came out of.

I finished coping the HDD using acronis full cone with the HDD from the other pc connected via usb. this procedure took for all HDD 10 minutes. Every maschine was tested and functioned.

So we stick with te original problem to install XP via USB. The DELL oem version gave the same error.

alright guys

Great 1st post explaining how to edit all the files etc

but ive got a problem done every thing as it said burnt the image to a cd then tried to install but get this error message

The following value in the. SIF file used by setup is corrupted or missing

Value 1 on the line in section BusExtenders with key usbstor

i ve had a look at the txtsetup.sif file but cant seem to find any thing under busextenders with usbstor and checked and seems ive done every thing that was said to do in the instructions

any one else have any ideas.

I changed edited the lines also, but i was never able to see this error because i got the BSOD.

Maybe you could post the txtsetup.sif so we can check/compare.

ive uploaded al the files ive edited if some one could go over and check them please

now im getting line 0 in usbboot is currupt setup cannot continue

you copied the files to a wrong place. You placed them in busextenders.load in stead of bootbusextenders.load

slack 1230:

i uploaded your changed sif file

So we stick with te original problem to install XP via USB. The DELL oem version gave the same error.

Today i installed XP on my mentioned dell gx260 via usb. I used a dane elec 4GB flash drive.

I finally overcome the 0x0000007B BSOD with help of the kicker.iso which is used in UBUSB. With this application I was able to come in a win environment and activate winnt32.exe.


1. First create your bartpe files using UBCD4WIN

2. after you have done that create your usb flashdrive using UBUSB

point to the files of your bartpe

be sure you check create cd image and let de default Z in place

check if you have selected the right drive

press go

after finished you have a bootable usb drive which is able to get in a xp environment.

3. Now copy the content of your win XP CD to a folder XPCD on the flash drive x: xpcd

4. after copying boot the drive in the PC and select Compatibility Mode Memory Mapped

5. after finished you select the commandline and type

X: XPCD i386 Winnt32.exe /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /makelocalsource

6. first enter the xpkey and name of the computer and region then click next

7. Now you re asked if you want to upgrade to the XP NTFS filesysten, select NO for this then hit Next.

8. It ll now see Copying installation files and the familiar green progress bar. Shortly after Copying Installation Files is complete, setup will close without notice or any type of prompt, this is normal.

9. remove the flash drive and Reboot your computer and setup will continue from the hard drive where you can choose to install XP or do a repair install if XP is already installed.

Many thanks to pcuser

11375 view findpost p 76606

I cant seem to find the second files section in DOSNET file. Please help.

Wont boot off modified cd

hey guys,

I ve resently needed a external hdd with a windows OS pref win7 but that needs a VM so I ve gone for winXP. I ve made an ISO of the winXP cd, modified the I386 files usbboot.inf, usbstor.in_ etc copied them to a dvd and a cd and rebooted the computer. I disconected the original hdd told it to boot from cd and it wont boot from either cd or dvd it says booting from cd/dvd: then it does nothing. left it for a few ours and it still hasn t changed.

I ve tried putting the original winXP cd in and it booted straight away. so the computer definatly does boot with cds. I ve tried other computers and it still wont boot off the cd. however when in windows and I double click on the cd icon it asks me if I want to install windowsXP and I don t particularly want to do it that way cause I don t want it to install on the original hdd accidently

if anyone knows whats wrong with the modified cd it d be great if you could tell me

thanks in advance.


hello thanks for the guide i really want to have windows Xp BOOTABLE from External HD 40g

untill now i burned 6 cds and none worked my pc support usb booting and i disable the local HD windows setup detect the USB but it says cannot access it how to fix it

can someone just upload a Ready to use ISO. i tried to download all the above attached files and tried them sadly none worked so i really hope someone can just upload a ready to use ISO

thanks please i really need this, ,


i get this message :

Your Computer startup program cannot gain access to disk containing the partition or free space you choose. setup cannot install windows XP on this hard disk

this lack of access does not necessarily indicate an error condition.

can someone help me

I tried to follow the thread but got lost with all technical words.

Amend the code in the USBBOOT.inf to the following:

Thank s for solution

I was able to put a fully-functional install on a 4GB USB flash, however it ll only boot with the install CD in the drive. I ll get the dreaded 0x0000007B without it. Which defeats the purpose. Is there a solution that doesn t involve BartPE. I want a full install, not a livecd-like deal. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I ve followed the entire directions again along with the USBBOOT.INF fix and I made another ISO. If this doesn t work as it is, I m going to put a boot disk on the USB and that should work. Thanks for the guide I can pretty much say it works.

line 0 of usbboot.inf is corrupted setup canot continue

Hi All

I followed all the steps to install windows xp on usb

And i did everything but wen i install windows on usb this massage is came

line 0 of usbboot.inf is corrupted setup canot continue.

Please Help

urgently m keen to know the solution..

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cant download cab sdk

can you help me get the cabsdk download. thanks dwb.

Read through the guide and I think I understand the general principles - some configuration files and registry hive entries need to be changed on the install CD so that XP will treat USB HDDs correctly at boot time.

I found this thread after hitting the problem trying to install XP Home SP3.

I am working on an EEE PC 900 with a USB external CD/DVD drive and an external 40Gb USB HDD.

Now although the install stopped part way, after failing to reboot to complete the install, I do have an external NTFS drive with a Windows directory and presumably a registry somewhere.

Is there any way I can apply the edits to this file system - i.e. modify the configuration files and the registry at the half way point of the install instead of having to go through the process of extracting the ISO, editing the files, then generating another bootable ISO.

This might be a more straightforward way of doing a two part install although the original method does leave you with a CD image which can be used multiple times.



P.S. Two things

1 How come they set the XP install CD up so it would work on an exsternal USB CD drive but didn t do the same for the HDDs.

2 By the time they got to SP3 there must have been plenty of external USB HDDs around - why didn t they fix the problem then.

you obviously opened a wrong one, your disk may be a slip-streamed pirated version, wherein you could also find an install key, if that is the case, you opened the wrong TXTSETUP.sif.. read the instructions again

obviously someone got it all wrong or someone wasn t paying attention.. are those guys stealthmode klokluider.

This guide is for installing windows on to the usb, not making a usb installer, to clarify, this guide is for installing the OS on the usb, not turning USB into an installer. if you would like to do that, it s very easy and you don t even need any code at all, try to check these tools, download all of em if you want, one or two of them can even make your usb a multiboot installer and by the, Linux is also a great OS, to bad someone overjudge by I guess the look or maybe for some other reason knowledge www linuxquestions org is the place to go for that knowledge buddy.. hehehe. hate to offend anyone but I just so hate it when people don t pay attention to detail. just made this account to let you guys know about this, and I hope, one way or another, it would help. :darth: :haha: :evil:

black screen, no logo

hi. first of all, thanks for the tutorial.

i have some questions:

1 is it possible to make boot process verbose. i m getting a black screen and have to reset after first stage blue dos-like of installation completes ok. even if i press F8 and select eneble boot log - still nothing comes out. p.s.: i ve triple-checked all of the edited files the hdd power led doesn t turn off - so, the usb isn t resetted. any ideas.

2 i m using xp_sp2 original image. after it s done, i m suggesting installing sp3, so, i guess, i d have to fix sp3 contents in the same way, as we did with these files. i.e., if sp3 messes with usb somehow and therefore contains such files at all

3 my mobo doesn t have usb3, so i m running usb3 hdd in back-compat mode with usb2 controller. if i ll place in a pcie-usb3-controller and plug my hdd there, i d have to add this controller s drivers to xp_sp2 image in similar way we did.

thanks in advance,


Tried this quite a few times and every time I get Missing or Corrupt TXTSETUP.SIF

Tried it with 3 different versions of Windows XP Pro orig, SP2 and SP3. What am I doing wrong.


The Cabinet utility you mentioned is no longer available. Now what.

Get it here:

To everyone else: Since OP s last post and last activity on forum. was nearly 2 1/2 years ago, I don t think we re going to get a suitable reply, unless someone else is willing to take this ball and bounce it.


i followed all steps to make the win cd.

i had installed the windows but at first start windows gave me the blue screen. i uploaded the picture with error.

where i made the mistake.

please help, thank you

I followed all steps to make the win cd.

I had installed the windows but at first start windows gave me the blue screen. I uploaded the picture with error.

where I made the mistake.

hi valisorin, you must set AHCI to disable in the boot menu before windows starts

sorry for the vague answer, I had this problem myself.

okay I m having a problem, the cd just does not boot. double checked every file, tried inserting one file at a time to localise the problem, and came to the conclusion that with any modifications windows refuses to boot. I would appreciate help, but before you ask, I don t get any error messages at all, the computer simply does not boot on the cd black screen. im using xp sp3, any reasons that does not work. also


I don t have a second files section

Ok, I do all the steps

1. First Time I get an error: Fixed - blank lines between hex value in FIRSTS lines of USBBOOT.INF


2. Second Time first restart correct, second load and continue install NTFS PennDrive correcttakes much time because the disk are an updated 2012 version but finally restart

3 third run load menu, but when start to load it restart and restart, it seems that don t load something

I will try changing with server 2003 boot files.

Now the system are installed, it takes a little to run. I press failsafe run and I see that load some drivers but suddenly restart

Thanks for this procedure. Used it to rehabilitate my Dad s HP laptop, which has a blown SATA controller. I transferred the HD from the laptop to a sidecar. Following the procedure was relatively easy, waiting for the now SLOOOOOW USB drive to install Windows was a test of my patience. The lack of a virtual memory allocation hasn t been a problem, so far.


I followed all the steps, but getting TXTSETUP missing or corrupt error. Status 14. How do I solve this. .

I only realised this was possable when I saw a pc and tech authority article about it. this is a lot more easy on linux for those who have trouble with this. for linux one way is to use the unetbootin software. it has instrutions on the website. this is a great article by the way.

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How to install and boot Windows on an external (USB) hard drive