Obama - Smoking Crack

obama - smoking crack

Jul 29, 2013  Want to watch this again later. Sign in to add this video to a playlist. obama crack limo ron paul alex jones illuminati republican tea party democrat.

Just Released: Classmate of Barack Obama Says He was a ‘..Crack Smoking Homosexual..’

Barack Obama was high on cocaine the night of the Benghazi attack. That s where he was for the missing hours of his presidency waiting to come down from the.

May 05, 2015  Added together, the differences from October to November for Obama s average monthly job approval and job disapproval ratings total a whopping 0.1 percent.

Fake birth certificates, ghostwriters, teleprompters, a teenage trip to Mars, and more of the most paranoid and bizarro Obama conspiracy theories out there.

By, Mia Marie Pope The Manning Report

Dr Manning interviews one of Obama s neighborhood and childhood acquaintances, Mia Marie Pope.

    Mia lived in Obama s neighborhood, went to school with him and had regular interaction with him. They hung out together and he always portrayed himself as a foreign student.

Obama was even a pathological liar even back then. This is a must see interview is from Nov 4th 2013.

Please share this interview.

This women gives a very detailed description of President Barack Obama. Mia is very brave for coming forward and speaking out.

Barack Obama Larry Sinclair:: Cocaine, Sex, Lies Murder. and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Learn more.

obama - smoking crack

Apr 02, 2008  Presidential wanna be Barack Hussein Obama omitting to smoking crack and marijuana on national tv.

High School Classmate: Obama Was Lying, Crack-Smoking Homosexual Foreigner [VIDEO]

76 Comments. Brother Nathanael May 13, 2012 pm. Dear Real Jew News Family, So, Obama means to re-define the word marriage does he.

Sep 04, 2015  Read the best jokes from the late-night comedians poking fun at President Obama.

25 best lies of Obama. NY Post - During his first eight months in office, President Obamas at down for three times as many television interviews as his most.

President Barack Obama s past has been called into question over the six-plus years of his presidency. The odd lack of verifiable records has been the subject of more than one conspiracy theory.

But an old high school friend of Obama from Hawaii, Mia Marie Pope, has dropped a bombshell concerning how our current president identified himself in high school, which could lead to answers to many questions concerning his past.

She described to radio show host James Manning in extremely detailed fashion that, having grown up in Hawaii, she knew Obama as a slightly older classmate who went by the name Barry Soetoro, a crack smoker who labeled himself as a foreigner and was very much intertwined with the gay community on the island of Oahu.

Pope went on to say that it was common knowledge among her circle of friends and other classmates that Barry wasn t interested in anything to do with the opposite sex. As a young girl, as a teenager, it was very clear to me that Barry was strictly into men.

She also stated that in addition to his sexual preferences and drug habits, he was also a pathological liar, much like he still is today, according to Pope.

As far as the drug use, Pope painted a picture of the 70s when marijuana was fairly common but drugs such as cocaine were not mainly due to their cost. She said that when Barry would brag about having cocaine, which was odd due to the fact that her social circle was made up mostly of relatively broke islanders, it was likely the result of his sexual relations with wealthy white men H/T Conservative Post.

While her story may seem outlandish and unbelievable, one has to consider the shocking amount of realistic detail that Pope relayed to the host.

It certainly sounds like she believes her own account to be accurate.

Which doesn t make it so, of course.

Listen to the interview and let us know what you think on Facebook and Twitter. Do you think her story has merit.

Friday, May 22nd, 2015.